How to Treat Strains and Sprains

As Southern Ontario braces for another major snowstorm, chiropractors and other health professionals prepare for the inevitable: more patients with injuries from slipping and falling on the ice.

Assuming your injury isn’t serious enough to warrant a trip to the ER, you may be wondering how to treat your new sprain or strain.

Should you apply ice? Or is it heat? What else can you do?

The best treatment for a sprain or strain is with the “RICE” method, an acronym which is helpful to remember when you have an acute injury. Please note, if you are unsure of the severity of your sprain or strain, you should talk to your doctor before beginning any treatment or rehabilitation.

Remember P.R.I.C.E.

These five simple rules will help speed up your recovery in the first 48-72 hours of a sprain (ligament) or strain (muscle) injury.


Protect the injured area from sustaining any more damage.

R is for REST.

Allow the injury time to heal.

I is for ICE.

Ice should be applied to an injured area as soon as possible. Use the 10/10/10 method of ice application: 10 minutes of ice; followed by 10 minutes of rest without ice; followed by 10 minutes of ice again. Do not apply heat. Ice works to reduce pain and inflammation to your injured muscles, joints and tissues and may even slow bleeding if a tear has occurred.


Use a tensor bandage to wrap the injured area. When wrapping, begin at the end furthest away from the heart.


If possible, raise the injured area above the level of the heart, especially at night, by putting a pillow under the injured area.

After the first 48 hours, slowly start to use the injured area again and continue icing for another day.

Don’t let the winter months keep you from doing the things you love, or keep you indoors in pain.

The wellness team at Pickering Village Chiropractic & Massage can help you manage your condition-related pain during the winter months, and help you prevent musculoskeletal conditions if you work outdoors.

We provide our patients with more than just chiropractic and massage therapy services, but also the know-how to build better personal wellness habits so you can be at your best for work or play, every day.

To book an appointment or learn more about the chiropractic and therapeutic massage therapy services available at our clinic, call 905-427-3202.




With content from the Canadian Chiropractic Association.