Chiropractic Care for Seniors

How to Manage Osteoporosis with Exercise

Aging, obesity, and chronic health conditions, among other things, can lead to limited mobility and strength. And these issues can in turn contribute to spine, muscle, and joint problems. Starting at age 30, our bones decline in density. And if bone mass gets dangerously low, it’s called osteoporosis. Physical exercise,… Read More

Improve Your Posture, Improve Your Health: 10 Posture Tips for Older Adults

What role does good posture play in maintaining your good health? Proper posture keeps your bones and joints in optimal alignment, allowing you to move easily so that your body supports your weight without strain. Good posture delivers increased energy, better breathing, improved circulation, and less wear-and-tear on your joints. Poor… Read More

Try These Activities to Minimize Stress and Help Prevent Back Pain

It’s no secret that staying active is a great way to help keep your body and your spine healthy. In fact, going for a brisk 10-minute walk each day is enough to help improve your health and prevent conditions of the spine, joints and supporting structures of the body. There… Read More

10 Strategies for Staying Healthy in 2022

Did you make any New Year’s resolutions last month? As we enter this snowy February, we thought it would be a good time to review some goals for the year. Here are our top 10 chiropractor-approved resolutions to help you stay healthy for the rest of the year: 1. Get… Read More

Follow These Tips for Avoiding Injury While Shovelling This Winter

January’s here and that means snow! No matter where you live in Southern Ontario, snow is pretty much guaranteed. And while that means more chaos on the road for drivers, it also means more homeowners suffering from sore backs as a result of improper snow shovelling. “Shovelling out after a… Read More

Walk Like a Penguin? That’s Just One of the Ways You Can Keep from Slipping on the Ice This Winter!

Winter weather has officially arrived in Southern Ontario! Once the temperature drops, what starts off as a wet sidewalk or driveway can quickly turn into a sheet of ice. Whether you’re going outside for some exercise, running an errand, or simply getting to and from your car, winter walking can be… Read More

10 Posture Tips for Older Adults

What role does good posture play in maintaining your good health? Proper posture keeps your bones and joints in optimal alignment, allowing you to move easily so that your body supports your weight without strain. Good posture delivers increased energy, better breathing, improved circulation, and less wear-and-tear on your joints. Poor… Read More

Six Million Canadians are Impacted by Arthritis: It’s Not Just a Disease of the Elderly

September is Arthritis Awareness in Canada. With over 100 different forms of the disease, arthritis impacts six million Canadians of all ages, including children. Arthritis care costs the Canadian economy an estimated $33 billion per year and leads to more deaths than HIV/Aids, melanoma and asthma. Arthritis is often invisible… Read More

How Does Cold Weather Impact Our Bodies?

With Southern Ontario experiencing its first long stretch of really cold weather, February — the longest shortest month of the year — is fulfilling its destiny as a month to be endured. More Aches and Pains? Have you ever noticed that as the weather gets colder you experience more aches… Read More

Introduce Someone You Love to Chiropractic Care During Sweetheart Appreciation Week: February 10-15th, 2020

In celebration of Valentine’s Day, Dr. John Noble and Dr. Mark Fera offer your loved ones, family and friends a complete chiropractic consultation and examination at our expense (a $150 value). If your friends and family are suffering from neck, shoulder or back pain, fear of the unknown may be… Read More