Has Your Child Suffered a Concussion? What Every Parent Needs to Know

Concussion injuries and post-concussion syndrome have received a great deal of media attention recently. Worldwide, professional athletes from a variety of sports appear almost daily in newspapers, magazines and online in discussion about head injuries, return-to-play and long-term health issues.

Head injuries are not limited to professional sports but are inherent to all sport activities. In every community, there are hundreds of young athletes who participate in the same sports and recreational activities as professional athletes. They, too, encounter the risk of injury on a regular basis. Overall, hockey and rugby have the highest incidence of concussion.

Concussions arise after an injury to the tissues or blood vessels in the brain. This occurs when the soft tissues are pressed against the bone of the skull, and is a direct result of an impact or blow to the head experienced during a fall or from an injury incurred while playing sports.

Ajax chiropractors Dr. John Noble and Dr. Mark Fera treat a number of children and teens who are actively involved in hockey, football and rugby (among other contact sports). They know how important it is for parents to recognize the signs of a concussion, and what to do if their child encounters a head injury during a sporting event or a fall.  Head injuries should not be taken lightly and it’s important to know the symptoms.
The general symptoms of concussion vary, and depend on the severity of the injury and the individual themselves. The primary sign of a concussion is a loss of consciousness. Other signs and symptoms include:
  • headache
  • memory loss
  • vomiting
  • nausea
  • dizziness
  • blurred vision
  • reduced energy
  • ringing in the ears
Depending on the severity of the injury and how the concussion is managed, the results may range from a mild head pain or a more serious brain damage. However, most concussions are mild and usually require rest and time.
What is often overlooked in a head trauma is the injury to the neck. Injuries involving whiplash are very commonly associated with a concussion. The soft tissue injury in the neck can also contribute to the symptoms of a concussion, such as headaches, dizziness, numbness and tingling in the head and arms. 
When treating patients who have suffered a concussion, Dr. Noble and Dr.Fera assess the neck for soft tissue injuries and misalignments. Adjustments, massage and other modalities are helpful in controlling the swelling and spasms of the soft tissue, as well as reducing the nerve pressure from the neck structures. 
If you suspect your child has suffered a head injury (with or without loss of consciousness), it is crucial that you get a medical evaluation as soon as possible. Do not have your child return to any sport or physical activity if they are showing any of the signs listed above. In addition, be aware of the possibily that a potential neck injury may occur along with a concussion. 
If you suspect your child is suffering from whiplash-related symptoms, call Ajax-Pickering Village Chiropractic today at 905-427-3202 and book a consultation with Dr. Noble or Dr. Fera.