Build Your Own Fit-in-15 Fitness Program with Cardio

You’ve done it.
You’ve taken the Fit-in-15 quick quiz we posted here last week and you’re ready to get started.
What’s next, you ask?
Now it’s time to build your 15 minutes of daily activity and include at least one of the three main fitness components: cardio, strength and flexibility
Cardio-vascular fitness contributes to your heart and lung health. It helps you maintain a steady heartbeat and breathe easily when doing moderate physical activity. For many, walking is the simplest way to incorporate cardio into their daily routine. Find a time of day that fits your schedule; put on comfortable, supportive walking shoes; dress appropriately for the weather conditions; and walk at a brisk pace for 15 minutes.

For tips on “The Best Way to Walk,” watch this 60-second video from Prevention’s online magazine.

Next post: Incorporating strength training in your Fit-in-15 minutes of daily activity.