Hot Flashes? Night Sweats? Mood Swings? Try MenoSense®.
MenoSense® by Preferred Nutrition |
Ajax-Pickering Village Chiropractic is proud to offer their patients WomenSense™ by Preferred Nutrition, a complete line of high-quality products that address the conditions women face throughout their lives. This month’s product of the month is MenoSense®, a simple, safe solution to the symptoms of menopause.
From Preferred Nutrition:Exactly what is Menopause?Menopause is a hormone deficiency condition that affects women in mid-life. Their bodies have experienced a drop in estrogen production and their hormone levels have become unbalanced.The 10 – 15 years leading up to menopause are called peri-menopause. During this time, hormone fluctuations lead to sleepless nights, mood swings, irritability, headaches, brain fog, difficulty concentration, hot flashes and intense night sweats long before menopause arrives.These and other symptoms of menopause can be uncomfortable, embarrassing, and can cause many women to wonder what’s happening to their bodies and how long will it last. Menopause is an inevitable stage of life, but you don’t have to suffer through it or like many women, turn to antidepressants, sleeping pills or bio-identical hormones.Simple solution to the symptoms of menopause!Approved by Health Canada, MenoSense® contains natural herbal and nutritional compounds that will restore balance quickly, so you can bid a safe and simple farewell to hot flashes, night sweats, and other systems that are making you miserable.MenoSense® key ingredients – all natural herbs
• Dong Quai is used to reduce severity of hot flashes and to ease painful or excessive menstruation.• Chasteberry (Vitex) helps normalize hormonal imbalances.• Black Cohosh helps ease hot flashes, night sweats, hormonal headaches, heart palpitations, painful menstruation, vaginal dryness, sleep disturbances, irritability and loss of concentration.• Gamma-oryzanol, is used to improve mood and for the reduction of hot flashes.• Hesperidin is a potent flavonoid, which has been shown to improve cardiovascular health, reduce night sweats, hot flashes, night time leg cramps and to reduce bruising.