Do the Long Winter Months Affect Your Mood? Try HappySense®

HappySense® by
Preferred Nutrtion

As part of our multidisciplinary approach to our patients overall health, Ajax-Pickering Village Chiropractic is pleased to offer WomenSense by Preferred Nutrition, a complete line of all-natural products that address the conditions women face throughout their lives. This month’s product of the month is HappySense®. Many of of our patients — both women and men — have found HappySense® to be an effective way to balance their mood and sleep patterns.

From Preferred Nutrition:

HappySense® naturally enhances serotonin, which in turn improves mood, reduces cravings and increases energy. Healthy levels of serotonin help to deal with stressors leaving a feeling of relaxation and calm. HappySense® helps promote a healthy mood balance, improves sleep and in conjunction with diet and exercise, helps to aid weight loss and reduce cravings.

Have any questions for Dr. Noble or Dr. Fera? Call Ajax-Pickering Village Chiropractic today at 905-427-3202.